She Landed By Moonlight – the story of Secret Agent Pearl Witherington: The Real ‘Charlotte Grey’

 On the night of 22nd September 1943 Pearl Witherington, a 29—year—old British secretary and agent of the Special Operations Executive (SOB), was parachuted into Occupied France. Like Sebastian Faulks’ heroine, Charlotte Gray, Pearl had a dual mission: to fight for her beloved, broken France — and to find her lost love, Henri Cornioley, a French soldier on the run from the […]

Welcome to Pipe and Slippers

So, what’s it all about? Well, for over thirty years I’ve collected a large number of books on assorted topics, mainly motorsport in various forms, aviation, military history to name just a few categories. I’ve also gathered some memorabilia and collectables along the way. The time has come to downsize and move house and there […]